Friday, August 8, 2008

Black Fly

I think this is a White Admiral Butterfly and how is it they are so beautiful and still an insect? We generally don't care for insects but I'm sort of partial to the pretty ones. And I find even the less spectacular ones are often little jewels when you look more closely. It' just the stinging and biting ones I find less attractive... And still - I look forward to seeing the bumblebees in the flowers every day. Flowers need the attention.
There is now another Sunflower to keep the orange one company. It's a wine red color but the back of it looks like the puffy pants that the Swiss Guards wear - orange and red. I wonder if that will earn me any Papal indulgences - whatever that means.
I have the afternoon off - what a wonderful thing! I stopped in on Sarah at McGowan Fine Art in Concord on the way home and we decided to take Monsieur Henri for a walk about town. Much to our delight there was a Joy fm van parked in front of the State House and some very nice young ladies offered us FREE ice cream. Being a warm and muggy day it only made sense to accept so we enjoyed the peanut butter cup ice cream there on the State House lawn. It's been a days of being in the right place at the right time - both ice cream and butterfly-wise.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


SMC said...

Papal Indulgences? Aren't those the ones with the creamy center?

LYC said...

Oh! Perhaps we had our indulgence yesterday at the state house? Apparently it's like having icecream in the bank and all of a sudden you get a check that you weren't expecting.