Thursday, October 30, 2008

WalHan Unlimited

The chillins' are putting a new roof on my brother Normand's house. It's been a might breezy and cold up there but they're making great progress and should be finished tomorrow. I've been to visit and offer support in the form of RedBull and cookies the last couple days. Today I took pictures since the light was nice and the weather was a bit more conducive to taking my hands out of my pockets.
And Yes, there was goofiness. Wally gave his belt to Hannah because she was inadvertently (or maybe not) mooning the street and there was potential for traffic mishaps. There were issues with that generous donation on Wally's part though:

The Belt Issue They've been working pretty fast and there was some time for occasional jollity though and some little dancing between hauling the bundles up the ladder.

Fine TuningIt's not as easy as it would seem......

When a good song comes on the construction radio....

A Little Dance

A Little Nailgunning When everything's in the right place....

A Little 80lb Bundle When you get tired of dancing......

Another Thursday

Two-Headed Same-coat Wearing Monster

Hey, it's just me trying again to post mobile. This kind of problem has become a long technical journey that I'm still determined to get to the end of. Please bear with my attempts to put things right.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Chipping away at The to-do List

The Finished Puzzle w/Flashglare!

The Raked Lawn
It was a relatively quiet weekend including some raking on Sunday and some cleaning and puzzle finishing on Saturday.
The rest of this week promises to be somewhat bleaker than today's Indian summer like weather. There might even be a few snowflakes...oh please not yet!
Today I'm planning a little for next weekend's chores and hoping
too to fit in a little fun while I'm at it. The whole process of getting ready for winter is a bit daunting but chip away at the list I will...

Two Spooky Puzzleguards
There's going under the house and doing a little more insulating, hot water pipe wrapping (that had me under the house with a hair dryer last year) and of course plugging in the heat tape (electric bill goes up 20 dollars a month)....sigh, summer living is easier I think....I have to find something fun to do in winter....maybe snowshoing....maybe if I get some it won't snow?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today's View

Well, really this is yet another attempt at getting my post-by-mobile phone abilities back. If you can see the not-so-remarkable picture of the view outside my window that means I've found a work around for my mobile photo to blog posting issues. It's the main reason I haven't posted much lately.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
This is the view that would have published if I could send via my phone again.....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Amusing Weekend

As of about 2 weeks ago, I suddenly can't post images from my phone. I've tried all the suggestions, and even rebuilt my phone, but still can't......Anyway....

It was an amusing weekend....the chillins' were up for a nice Cornish Game hen dinner on Friday night. Saturday we went to Portsmouth and on the way home, stopped at a puzzle store (all puzzles of all kinds) on Rte. 4......and bought a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Upon getting home around 7:30 Saturday evening we worked on the puzzle until 11 pm and got about 1/4 of the way done. By Sunday at 4pm we had it about 1/2 done. I always loved jigsaw puzzles and did so many while growing's a lot like being a kid again....but the chillins' always have that effect on me anyways.....

Sunday night we played Wii Tiger Woods golf while listening/peeking in on the Redsox/Tampa Bay game. Although the Redsox lost, team Wally-Lulu beat team Beardsly-Hannah soundly 5up.....thanks to some heavy coaching from pro Wally.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Spot in the Sun

Ahh Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and a sunny spot on the floor. What could be better? One more day off and more beautiful weather in store for tomorrow.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Last Blasts

It's a really beautiful day here in NH and promises to be throughout the long weekend too! I was pleased to see the monk's hood saved its blooming effort until now and also managed to attract a chubby bumblebee.

Looking around I'm seeing enough leaves on the ground but still enough left in the trees that would make raking a pointless task at least for a couple more weeks. I'm sitting on the screen porch enjoying one of the last bouts of warmish weather too. I always miss sitting out here in the winter and so do the kitties. They're excited about all the falling and blowing leaves and the few brave bugs still flying around.
I should head outside and start clipping back the garden myself. It's too nice out to stay indoors.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, October 6, 2008

Enchanted Forest

I had a lovely weekend in Calais Vermont at Sarah's family camp. Although it was a short stay - Saturday morning through Sunday morning, we got a lot of walking and talking in. It was a rare chance to spend some time with friends and family that I don't get to see very often, and much fun and food was enjoyed by all.

There was a forest walk taken that included trees with faces on one stretch. For those with less energy there were strategically placed benches for resting along the way. The fall colors are really starting to take hold there too.

My daughter Hannah and I slept in the outside building with lots and lots of blankets since there was no heat in there. We also managed to fit in two walks to the store and a crossword puzzle, and of course - pictures.

Hannah and I pictures taken by each other.

The whole group

Cammy, Louise and Sarah practicing our over-the-glasses stern librarian look.

Hannah and Lilly working on their coloring.

Reta and a slowly waking Annah.
Abbie and Sarah in deep discussion.