Monday, October 6, 2008

Enchanted Forest

I had a lovely weekend in Calais Vermont at Sarah's family camp. Although it was a short stay - Saturday morning through Sunday morning, we got a lot of walking and talking in. It was a rare chance to spend some time with friends and family that I don't get to see very often, and much fun and food was enjoyed by all.

There was a forest walk taken that included trees with faces on one stretch. For those with less energy there were strategically placed benches for resting along the way. The fall colors are really starting to take hold there too.

My daughter Hannah and I slept in the outside building with lots and lots of blankets since there was no heat in there. We also managed to fit in two walks to the store and a crossword puzzle, and of course - pictures.

Hannah and I pictures taken by each other.

The whole group

Cammy, Louise and Sarah practicing our over-the-glasses stern librarian look.

Hannah and Lilly working on their coloring.

Reta and a slowly waking Annah.
Abbie and Sarah in deep discussion.


SMC said...

Yes, it was good conversation and food. It was so good that I am now making my own salsa verde.

LYC said...

I will do the same over the weekend. Thanks for the tomatillos.