Monday, September 29, 2008

Looking Forward

At last glance the big budget bail out had not passed and the stock market made a historically deep plunge. I'm not unhappy that it didn't pass since I don't believe anyone would have learned anything from yet another bail out. I'm just not sure Americans are ready to make the sacrifices that they're about to have to make. It's scary to think about the people who will really suffer because of all this....and yet that's what comes of not asking questions and making assumptions. We've been like children dependent on parents that weren't really paying attention to our future. Then again we should have been paying more attention ourselves....there's an adage about if it sounds too good to be true?
Well, appropriately enough it's officially fall and it'll get colder before it get's warmer again. True enough for what's coming for all of us here in the US as well as the rest of the world. But the seasons pass and so shall this. I'd like to just hear one admission that perhaps someone who should have known better didn't think really hard about how we're going to make it through this winter.

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The View

It's Monday again and I know I haven't posted in a while....seems as though the combination of worries about the economy, impending menopause, Autumn with its shortening days, and if that isn't enough - It's's my view from my cube here in the basement....
This seems to happen most every year, and for the most part I'm able to change my perspective merely by making myself aware - Oh yeah, this again.....but this year is a little tougher....I guess I need to get out of the basement and see some sun a bit more often.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

EOD and E0S

Yup, I think it's time to admit the gardening season's over. It's also end of day too but that's more of a relief. I know there's still cleanup and putting to bed of the garden to do but there isn't anything left to harvest save the lettuce cilantro and dill. It's a little sad and I'll have to find a cold weather activity to get me through.
I got just two peppers from the two plant I put in. I may rethink planting them next year. Lettuce, tomatoes and broccoli did well so they're keeper crops. So are all the flowers. We made lots of improvements this year and hope to do more next year as money's sooooo worth it.
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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Visit De Monsieur Henri

A most frustrated (that he can't get anywhere near any kitties) and worried (that his Sarah has left him forever) Henri is here with me waiting for Sarah's return. They spent the night here last night since Sarah had a show to judge in Laconia this morning. It was a somewhat fitful sleep we all had due to the reluctance of kitties to allow any contact with Henry...and yet....he is not a boy to give up easily and just doesn't understand my flavor of kitties. Here it is going on 10:30 and he hasn't even touched his breakfast. Sarah treated me to breakfast at the Tilton diner. We had perfect timing this morning - got in just before the race weekend crowd came pouring in. There was a long line at the door as we were leaving. Henry was oh so happy to see us as he waited patiently (we think, but we're not sure as we were sitting a strategically comfortable distance from earshot of any potentially mournful howling that may have ensued). There was a happy reunion with minimal complaint from Henry at the end of breakfast. He's bearing up bravely and doesn't know just how soon Sarah will be back (in about an hour). It's really amazing how far he's come in the past year - from a terribly insecure pup to the much calmer young blend of a young dog he is now. Love and attention is miraculous.
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Monday, September 8, 2008

The To-Do List

Wally dropped by on Saturday and we knocked a couple things off the list....or at least he did. I now have a functional (and tested) gas grill and we fixed a drill that was rusted up that I need to continue the arbor project. I know, I know....this has been a very protracted project aye?
I also just finished mowing the lawn and picking up the house from this weekend's mess making as there was football, tennis and chicken wings that were also on the list. I was great full to have someone to ask football questions to about the finer points and terminology. Still a very mixed bag given the outlook for the rest of the season. We also got in a bucket of golf balls at the nearby range. We were not allowed to play a round of nine since neither of us had collared shirts we picked ourselves up and went on to the range. It was the first trip there this year for me so I guess I'm going to count that as checked off the list as well.
I'm feeling as though fall and winter are coming too fast - the days getting much shorter on both ends. I must try and remember that this vague sense of dread comes every year around this time and try and keep my chin up. It's good to have friends and kitties for that purpose. Tomorrow I'm stopping into Sarah's gallery for a visit, nachos and with any luck a boost in spirits. I sometimes wish it was as easy as finding a nice red gym bag to fall asleep on.....maybe it is?
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Friday, September 5, 2008

Sometimes It's Better That Way.....

I just noticed that Sarah had renamed her link to this site to: My Friend Louise and her mysterious thinking process. We've been discussing Truth and Beauty - a book by Ann Patchett that she's read and recently commented on through her blog . I haven't yet read the book but the subject of inner/outer beauty is intriguing to me and last time I visited with Sarah at the gallery I jumped right into the discussion. I'm not a linear thinker.... mostly I think of things in convoluted ways (at least from others' perspectives - really, I'm comfortable with it myself) because it's more amusing for me that way, and I hope it is for other people on occasion. Apparently it amuses Sarah from time to time. My thought process sometimes allows me to come to conclusions that don't always make immediate sense about the subject at hand, but sometimes answer different questions at different times. We are after all programmed to recognize patterns.....some call it serendipity, or intuition....I just think that we mark the things that make impressions on us for when we need answer questions later on. I placed a few mental markers about the subject during our discussion the other day. It's refreshing to check life through a different set of filters sometimes. I'll let you know if I come to any interesting conclusions about Truth and Beauty - or something else altogether.