Monday, September 29, 2008

Looking Forward

At last glance the big budget bail out had not passed and the stock market made a historically deep plunge. I'm not unhappy that it didn't pass since I don't believe anyone would have learned anything from yet another bail out. I'm just not sure Americans are ready to make the sacrifices that they're about to have to make. It's scary to think about the people who will really suffer because of all this....and yet that's what comes of not asking questions and making assumptions. We've been like children dependent on parents that weren't really paying attention to our future. Then again we should have been paying more attention ourselves....there's an adage about if it sounds too good to be true?
Well, appropriately enough it's officially fall and it'll get colder before it get's warmer again. True enough for what's coming for all of us here in the US as well as the rest of the world. But the seasons pass and so shall this. I'd like to just hear one admission that perhaps someone who should have known better didn't think really hard about how we're going to make it through this winter.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Mim said...

The kingdom is in the hands of the asylum...or something of that sort.
I like the chez are much nicer than Sarah!

LYC said...

I do like to throw in little bits of French whenever I can....I guess that's nice?

I wonder if the force of everyone shaking their heads all day today will throw off the rotation on the earth?

Mim said...

well then we won't have to worry about our 501k as we hurtle thru space!

Tammie Lee said...

Lovely to meet you. Thanks for visiting.
You have some wonderful images here! Love the wireless black berries!

LYC said...

Thanks, I'm quite proud of the wireless blackberries. Coincidentally, all the images were taken with a wireless blackberry as well, though not the same model as in the picture. Thanks for visiting.