Saturday, October 11, 2008

Last Blasts

It's a really beautiful day here in NH and promises to be throughout the long weekend too! I was pleased to see the monk's hood saved its blooming effort until now and also managed to attract a chubby bumblebee.

Looking around I'm seeing enough leaves on the ground but still enough left in the trees that would make raking a pointless task at least for a couple more weeks. I'm sitting on the screen porch enjoying one of the last bouts of warmish weather too. I always miss sitting out here in the winter and so do the kitties. They're excited about all the falling and blowing leaves and the few brave bugs still flying around.
I should head outside and start clipping back the garden myself. It's too nice out to stay indoors.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

SMC said...

Sigh.... it is beautiful weather. Today will enjoy the Warner Fall Foliage Festival, but tomorrow I do windows.