Sunday, August 24, 2008

Spider Deluxe Weather Report

My friend Mary told me years ago that if the spiders hung out their sheets in the morning it won't rain that day. I seem to remember having seen these sheets out to dry yesterday morning too but we'll see if it holds true for today as well.
It's quiet this morning. Hannah and her friend are sleeping in the living room and I'm enjoying my coffee and the late summer garden. The sunflowers look like a group of gossiping school girls. Perhaps comparing themselves to the shorter plants' much less elegant blooms. Good thing they're far enough apart.
I have to go to the store and get the fixings for the Coq au Vin that Hannah requested. Then maybe we'll work on the arbor project. It would be a fine fine thing to have done on this vacation week.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

SMC said...

Another reliable weather indicator......