Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Standing Watch

If you've ever experienced a broken heart yourself you might well have almost as much pain watching someone you care about who's having the same experience. You want them to feel better, to help them realize they have to find a way to move forward - and try not to discourage them when you see them taking backwards steps. It's part of a process you know, but still there's the ache of remembrance of your own experiences. Is it all you can say - It will get better?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


SMC said...

It hurts terribly to watch someone you care about go through that. But you wouldn't have that feeling for another unless you loved them..... and doesn't that love count for something?

Perfect photo.....

LYC said...

It seems as though the only thing that matters is the object of their heartbreak, but I have to hope that my friendship and love means something and that even if I don't we don't see it now it will make a difference.