Friday, September 5, 2008

Sometimes It's Better That Way.....

I just noticed that Sarah had renamed her link to this site to: My Friend Louise and her mysterious thinking process. We've been discussing Truth and Beauty - a book by Ann Patchett that she's read and recently commented on through her blog . I haven't yet read the book but the subject of inner/outer beauty is intriguing to me and last time I visited with Sarah at the gallery I jumped right into the discussion. I'm not a linear thinker.... mostly I think of things in convoluted ways (at least from others' perspectives - really, I'm comfortable with it myself) because it's more amusing for me that way, and I hope it is for other people on occasion. Apparently it amuses Sarah from time to time. My thought process sometimes allows me to come to conclusions that don't always make immediate sense about the subject at hand, but sometimes answer different questions at different times. We are after all programmed to recognize patterns.....some call it serendipity, or intuition....I just think that we mark the things that make impressions on us for when we need answer questions later on. I placed a few mental markers about the subject during our discussion the other day. It's refreshing to check life through a different set of filters sometimes. I'll let you know if I come to any interesting conclusions about Truth and Beauty - or something else altogether.


SMC said...

Hmmmm.... you have latched onto my idea of people seeing things through different filters. This sounds like some more deep thinking in our Might involve some nachos too!

LYC said...
