Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 4th

Today was a pretty good day - busy, yet without crisis...except maybe for getting the Oompa Loompa song stuck in my head...It's usually not so much the song as not knowing the words and having to say in my head "Oompa Loompa doom-pe-de-doo, I've got another puzzle for you etc...then getting to the next line to the parts where you don't know the words. I'm always tempted to look up the words...I think it's a little compulsive since it bothers me until I do, but I haven't as yet...Sometimes I feel as though knowing will make it worse.

In other news - the water collection system has been replenished! I have two 55 gallon barrels that are now full AND 2 other 55 gallon barrels that aren't yet connected for lack of effort in hunting down spigots and the like to connect them. That would make two sets of 110 from the shed gutter and one from the porch gutter - both visable from the shed shot and porch shot. Aah, but that's sort of boring isn't it? But it's like having water in the bank! Didn't we all laugh at the suggestion that we'd pay money for bottled water about 15 years ago?

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