Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Kitties Profile

This is the first time I got somewhat good pictures of all my girls. They don't really like to be photographed - most likely because of the flash....but it's difficult to get any picture at all without the flash when you're indoors.....

This is Sid, the eldest cat....though only 6. She's a pretty good catcher if you throw her a ball but loses interest rather quickly. She has better concentration skills with Tuna juice. Sid is very friendly and would meow in agreement, but she only has a high pitched and barely audible meow, so you might miss it.

This is a double-decker shot of Lola and Sid. You've seen Lola before...she showed up at that same door last fall as a very small ball of fur that decided she wanted to live here...and decided not to be one of the many stray cats around here that struggle through the year. She's well cared for and well loved now, and is a constant source of amusement. Lola is a very devoted fetcher of a particulary ratty looking stuffed mouse.

This is Pakhet, the very small, but 4 year old adult cat. She is named after an Egyptian half-lion, half woman goddess who guards, rips and shreds, and balls up carpets - but no matter - Pakhet is my favorite small grey cat. She, like Moo below is also very shy except with me.....

So here's Muca (most often referred to as Moomoo). She was a bit more willing to pose for pictures when I was outside looking in. Moo is 1 year old this month and is very shy. You can't see it, but she has a small white bib. She is very vocal and seems to have to stretch more than any cat in the world....


SMC said...

Henry would like to meet them!

LYC said...

Henry did meet them all except Lola. It Was a litle painfull for me because I incurred a pretty good scratch from Moos who waasn't feeling very sociable that evening.... You know how finicky. Cats can be....

Mim said...

A godess who rips and shreds carpet, thoes egyptians had a Goddess for everything didn't they??

LYC said...

Yes, a handy God/Goddess for every that's clever aye?