Thursday, June 12, 2008

Science Experiment

My father was a science teacher at West High School from 1958-1962 until he died. I know he was always interested about how things work and that he'd be amazed at how much things have changed. Me too, both because whenever we wondered about something my mother always sent us to the encyclopedia (that my father sold to make a living and to supplement his meager teacher's salary) and because I just have a lot of questions.

I came home tonight to a bill tacked to my door for the kerosene fill-up I ordered earlier this week. $1,100.78 for 220 gallons that I hope will get me through next winter. I have a very strong aversion to putting things on my charge card, but I don't think I'm alone in feeling uncertain about how ends will meet. I'm gambling that prices will not go down so.... Still, I'm grateful that I'm able to take what I hope is an advantage of being able to do this. So, for now, swallow and schedule weekly tranfers to my credit card.

The science part comes in with the not so new realization that savings have to be found somewhere between lobster and ramen noodles because neither diet works for me.....

Last night I filled my gas tank. I'm getting 36.98 mpg with my Honda Civic since I mostly drive on the highway. I decided to try a small change in my driving habits - going 60 mph instead of my usual 65-70 on the highway for this tank just to see what kind of mileage I'll get. I also shut off my car if I have to wait long for a light. By now I know the light patterns, take advantage of coasting, and try to time my approach to city lights when I do drive there.

Sarah came to the same conclusion independently this past weekend while driving to Beverly MA in her Honda Element, and was pleased to get 30mpg. So we'll be giving the results of the experiment as we go. We both have relatively long comutes, so it doesn't take that long to go through a tank of gas.

Already on my first day I noticed one unexpected benefit: I had a much calmer trip because almost everyone was passing me and I pretty much had the road to myself. On the way home tonight I noticed other people going as slow as me - or even slower....could it be a trend fellow scientists?....Happy father's day wherever you are....

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