Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ready for the salad bowl

There's salad ready but the chillins haven't been here to share it. I wasn't going to plant veggies until they insisted so I feel as though they should be here for the first garden harvest. Shaw's and Market basket called twice but I said "You can't have my salad - It's for the chillins" and then hung up on them.

It rained a bit on my way home and I was hoping it would have rained in Tilton and so it had! The plants look so happy with water beaded up on them....especially the Lupins. I feel so pioneer-like praying for rain. I like having things be so basic as having rain, or having to water plants with the watering can, lugging water from the 55 gallon collection barrels...or the bathtub like Wally did last week.


SMC said...

So are they playing the mets or the orioles?

LYC said...

Neither, it's the Boston Butter Crunches vs the LA Lollo Biondas. What a matchup! Winner moves on to the Tummy bowl.