Monday, June 16, 2008

Week 6 Porch Shot

Well, here it is....already week #6. I spent all of Saturday working on scraping and priming the screen porch on the other side of the was very pealy...seems as though the previous owner painted it without priming it first. I got most of the priming done, but as you can see there's some left to do. The weather was not good for painting on Sunday so other projects called. I hope to finish it up sometime this week and perhaps put actual paint on it next weekend, replace the screens and perhaps replace the rotton step that I removed.


Post Scraping.....

As far as I got....


SMC said...

Wow- you are really going to town with your new found painting skills. Perhaps next you will want to paint the town red? Or some shade there of?

Spelling errors make me laugh because they can give a sentance a whole new meaning that was unintended. So pealy- as in ringing out, pealing bells, etc.? Or did you mean peely? It would be kind of funny if your porch was crying out to be painted.

LYC said...

Well, I do think there was a measure of crying out from that porch but I only really heard it when I went for the mail. Otherwise I don't spend much time on that side of the house since it's quite hilly and When I'm not paying attention I can roll off.
You know that can effect your spelling.

SMC said...

Ahhhh.... as a child we would sneak into pastures late at night to tip over painters when the farmers weren't watching. It is kind of mean to go painter tipping, but they are so unsuspecting and docile. I would never do that now that I am all grown up.

LYC said...

Painter farmers are a breed unto themselves....knowing which painters to cultivate and which to's tough since painters are mostly a docile animal save an occasional jittery one...somehow I slipped past the paintball.